Friday, September 2, 2011

September already!

Hard to believe that spring is more or less here. We had a couple of very warm days but it is cold again just now and there was a sprinkle of snow too although it didn't settle.

I seem to have become a wool repository at present with several people giving me odd boxes of this and that. One of them came with a half knitted jumper. The front and back were knitted to the armhole but there was no pattern and very little extra wool so it couldn't even be knitted as a sleeveless top. However, I looked up a pattern with the same number of stitches and added a striped top section. So now it is bright green, gold and orange with brown bits :) I'm hoping it will fit William as it isn't full sized. The rest of the wool has migrated to either my own collection for socks etc or will go to the school for their efforts. (There are some bigger amounts that I will keep for further jumpers too).

Matt got the deck finished to the kitchen and now is on the hunt for enough materials to close it in. Especially the roof! There is also the vege garden to arrange but it is still far too cold to do more than prepare the ground in that department. The plum tree has blossom all over just now so perhaps we will actually get some this year - last year a wood pigeon stole the lot! There were only a dozen but still.....

Sprocket tried to get into the rubbish bin again but now he has got too big for the one in Matts room (see previous photos) so he got into mine instead! He only just fits so I think that won't last very long. He does like small spaces. He also likes a brief cuddle under the bedclothes in the morning - just about 5 minutes on average. For real napping he still prefers to be in the wool basket so I have added an old jersey and a piece of furry fabric to protect my wool!

The photo is our friend Rob who did a fundraising event up our street for his handicapped daughter to get further medical treatment overseas. He got himself sponsored to do the street 26 times carrying a 50 kilo backpack! There were a lot of other people doing stuff too and they had a very successful day raising over $5,000. He has been training for a while so he did manage the whole lot!


1 comment:

Mickle in NZ said...

Dear Sprocket understands the cosiest fibres to sleep upon!