Thursday, February 21, 2013


Its been an interesting week round here and I seem to have reached perpetual motion territory.  The weekend was full of patchwork mostly with a dash of Farmers Market (of which there will be more coming up) and a lot of heat.

It has now cooled off a lot and I have resorted to a woolly jersey.  We were supposed to be taking a boat trip this afternoon but the sea was too rough so it has been slated for next week instead.  I cleared up the kitchen and fancied up the potatoes for dinner instead. Not much of a replacement activity really but it needed doing.

I am down to the last 11 rows on my quilt which is good.  Only about 460 pieces to go.  It looks good - well I think so.  I promise to post a photo when its a bit more complete.

Sprocket chased a bee and the result was...
He is fine now

 As you can see...
 This is the beach at Wakaouaiti.
We had tea on the beach (hot chips) on the way back from holiday.  I have a special other holiday post for later too.



Annie Cholewa said...

I just love Sprocket's name! And that he's a happy cat again, of course :)

knutty knitter said...

Our last two were Chainsaw and Skillsaw. Because of the purrr of course :)


Charlotte Scott said...

Funny kitty! I hope he learned his lesson.

knutty knitter said...

definitely I hope!
