Monday, July 26, 2010

Lantern Festival

Every year the local Steiner school has a mid winter lantern festival with shared food and all the lanterns the children have made. They also gave us the odd bit of music this year and a few traditional songs to walk with. We did a nice tour of the soccer grounds in the dark and this year there were no high winds to blow our lanterns out :)

DH took a photo of the tree dwarfs with their little lights set up for the kindy kids. They are a nice bunch of 3 and 4 year olds and I have been aiding occasionally with them which is fun.

The senior class made paper ball lanterns this year, each with a star sign relating to the child. William was very proud of his.

viv in nz

1 comment:

Lee said...

I'd better not show my son the photos of the tree dwarves / dwarfs (what IS the correct plural? I have no idea). He's already obsessed with trolls under bridges :-)