Tuesday, June 28, 2016

ultrasound with scalpel

Ultrasound with scalpel

A vision revealed
live on a screen
and quite murky

What is it saying?
What does it mean?
the black
the white
and the murky

The images move
mumbling across
first bloating out
before getting lost

the black
the white
and the murky

I'm ill with the black
They want it to go
"Fluid", they say.
"You should not behold"

"Never the black
Only the white
plus all of the murky
The murky is right"

The cure they apply
is waiting for me
on a bright plastic tray
which I clearly see...

The Spike!

vivien dwyer 2016


Charlotte Scott said...

I've always held radiographers in awe. How can they make sense of the black, the white and the murky?

knutty knitter said...

I got a bit lucky with this in that the first abscess was drained using the machine normally used for baby scans so there was a printout facility. I got before and after shots.
