Friday, April 24, 2015

Squiggly rug

Late last year I bought some patterns from Sarah London.  They are yummy!  I got keen enough to start the squiggles rug one and got about three lines of the grid finished before it hit me that somewhere in my collection of things not quite right was a blanket with a tree on it that I made about 20 years back. It was not useful because the grid was too open and the babies caught their fingers in it and it was a little large in to the bargain.

So, to cut a long story short, I dug it out (from the last possible place to look of course) and decided that with a bit of alteration, I could make the squiggles pattern work.  I used all recycled wool and any weight that fitted (doubled if necessary) and this is what resulted.

I have since given it to my friend (she wasn't expecting it :) because she has always done me favours and because every time I took it to knitting group, she just had to touch it.  So I know it will be loved.

The photos are taken on our bed which is a double. I think I used every bit of green I had and some besides on the tree!



Annie Cholewa said...

Now that's a bit different ... I imagine your friend was over the moon.

knutty knitter said...

It took a while to make her believe I actually meant it :)