Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mission statement

Objective - to build a body of work extending my love of landscape and the bones that lie beneath.  By this I mean the rocks and soils as well as the real archaeological evidence that exists throughout the planet we call home.  I find rock formations of any sort fascinating and am trying to draw out the essence of my experience and make it accessible to others in an emotional/spiritual way as well as a geological way.

Materials - I have an affinity for textiles and all that pertains to the various crafts that come under that heading so it is natural for me to use these as the medium for my explorations. I like to experiment with whatever is available including things that lie outside of textiles.  I have looked into more three dimensional media but am much more at home with minimal input from this as I prefer surface detail and raised surface detail.

What I would like to gain from the proposed course is input from others as I find I don't really like to work solely in splendid isolation. I need to refine what I am aiming for.  I have the beginnings of what I am after but need more to achieve whatever conclusion is out there to be found.

I have been working with the art fibre group for about 4 years now and think I am ready for a new and bigger challenge.  This is something I have been aiming at for years and the time seems right to continue what I have started.

Vivien Dwyer

In case any of you are wondering how this ended up on the blog - it is part of my entry attempt for art school next year.  I did art school several decades ago before fibre art etc was even on the horizon so now I want to continue what I did then with stuff more appropriate to where I am now. The rest will mostly be photos of recent work.

Speaking of which, these are some experiments with marbling and a lino cut ginko leaf which I made a while back.


1 comment:

Charlotte Scott said...

Go you! Actually I think we could all benefit by writing a mission statement now and again.