Sunday, March 13, 2011


That elderberry jelly lead to all sorts of other things - like bottled fruit and a free preserving kit from a friend (yay) and 20 odd bottles of preparation etc, etc. So now I'm a bit tired (to put it mildly).

Tomorrow is our first real session creative art wise for this year - mostly due to the rooms still being painted after their flight over the fence. I have exactly zero things to do (not counting the odd ufo of the more mundane variety) so I will take my knitting (James rather boring but necessary sports sock) and the felting gear. Buzzing round like a flea in a fit does exactly nothing for my creative side, just makes me tired!

Anyhow here is a photo or two of the community centre in flight to add to the one I posted before.

viv in nz


Mickle in NZ said...

I could tell it was preserving season at the supermarket this afternoon - 3 of us working out which was the cheapest buy for sugar, and they had sold out of mustard seeds!

Michelle xxx

knutty knitter said...

They sold out of bottle lids here - I got the last three.
